Saturday, 23 January 2010

I haven't blogged in ages, sorry. I've been pretty busy with coursework and my mum's been doing university work so I didn't manage to get on the laptop. I should be getting my laptop cable in the post soon, so I'll be back to blogging more often.

Yesterday I went to this craft shop in Arnold (where I live) and bought a fabric pen that's permanent so I'll be able to used that on my plimsolls too. I bought 3 beads with roses in, 2 silver and diamond bead, 1metre of cord all for £1.20- bargain or what! The pen was £1.40 which is amazing because at Montana they cost £3.20.

I've made Josh's valentine's card and birthday card and Katie's birthday card and I still need to make my brother's card for 20th Feb which is his birthday.

I'm going to go to sixth form... should be good. I've opted to take art, media, english literature and geography at a level. I will go to university, probably just Nottingham because it'll be cheaper- I can stay at home and not have to worry about paying rent.

In three weeks it'll be one year for me and Josh, which falls on Valentine's day every year... well... because that's when he asked me out, pretty obvious.

People are doing my head in at the moment so I'm trying to keep my mouth shut but I'm afraid my anger will build up and I'll explode. That won't be pretty.

Saving for holiday is going well, got over £400.

A lot of my friends have started blogging since I have :)

But overall, life's good.

I can't wait for spring and eventually summer. I'm fed up of the dreary winter days.


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