Wednesday, 6 January 2010


I don't know whether it's just me or if other people think this too, but it seems that nobody has dreams any more. Even if they do, they're not great- I want to get high everyday or I want to try every drug out there- hhhmmm. That really sounds like a great way to live your life?! People don't care about the future as long as they've got money and their next fix, whether it's their next fag or pint, to fix of bloody heroin... That sounds extreme but it's where I see people heading. People get so distracted from reality:

"Reality is a state of mind brought on by the lack of drugs"

It's like nobody can enjoy a party without getting drunk first...then if they do something stupid, they regret it- why make yourself feel like that? It's bad enough embarrassing yourself sober, but in my eyes, using the excuse of being drunk is worse.

I'm not anti-drinking or whatever- it's fine if you know your limits but most people don't and when their livers fucked up they'll regret it and not think they're cool any more. I got told that somebody's friend had just qualified to be in the RAF, so he went out celebrating and got drunk, fell over in the road and got killed by a car. You'll say it'll never happen to you... why risk it anyway?

Smoking is stupid. Simple really. You're not cool, you just look like an idiot. You smell disgusting and when you kiss someone it doesn't taste nice either.

My mum works with people who are on oxygen tanks because of it but she still smokes- I know it's addictive, but I guess you're even more of an idiot for starting in the first place.

But I guess it's the government's fault- alcohol and cigarettes are the drugs that cause the most deaths but they're legal?? That's messed up. But money is more important than lives I guess, well, that's easy to see, seeing as Obama sends troops to places to rule and get oil, and they get shot- 20year olds...dead. But HE out of all people got the peace prize!? People like Gandhi deserve- he told people NOT to fight but Obama, he's probably one of the biggest murderers since Adolf Hitler.

Fighting a war to make peace is the most stupid thing I've ever heard of!

The world's messed up.

Anyway, rant over :)


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