Friday, 22 April 2011

time for a catch-up.

Things have changed a lot since I last posted, which was in September! I've moved in with my Dad so it takes me an hour to get to sixth form. I'm studying fine art, textiles, english literature and media. I'm enjoying all of my subjects despite the conflict with my art teacher. I've dyed my hair many times, from blonde, to bright purple, to brown, to black, to red and black, and now to a burgundy colour.

I passed all of my GCSE's and I got nothing lower than a B! I'm so proud of myself. I've recently turned 17 and I am in love with my life again after a few shit months of low self esteem. My and Josh had a one month break-up, in with we both slept with other people and realized what we'd thrown away. Now we're stronger than ever! I got a tattoo in memory of my grandpa. It's a white rose of York and doubles as the white rose of memory as well as the white roses (which were meant to be red) in Alice in Wonderland that he used to quote a lot from. I love it, I think it's beautiful.

And finally, I invested in a tattoo kit due to my love of tattoos and the art. I tattooed Gene Simmon's make-up on to Josh's big toe haha! I've been practicing on oranges, pig skin, practice rubber skins and obviously Josh. It's so interesting watching my quality improve and looking at existing tattoos. I think it'd be a great way of showing your art work.

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