Thursday, 1 July 2010

I'd like to have longer hair.
I'd also like to dye it brown.
inspireplease: 005. Recent Build-up.
I really miss my old cat.
I'd like a ginger or tabby on.
I'd call it Garfeild or Tom.
Siga Aonde Vão Meus Pés
Finally, It'd be nice to visit Paris again,
To sit in a café and have a croissant and coffee.


  1. My hair is that colour, and it's nothing special to me.
    Maybe we should trade for a week? Ha.

    Cats are cute. I'm more of a dog lover actually. I'm petrified of horses.

    Paris is so cool.

  2. It is special, I'm sick of blonde hair haha,I'd be happy to swap.

    I used to have a cat :(
    but I must say, I prefer dogs too.
    I adore horses, I've always owned one since I was 7 :D

    + Paris = <3


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