Saturday, 6 March 2010

I am in the process of reinventing myself, to do this I need to:
1) change my style when I'm not saving up for holidays with Josh and combine vintage, indie and rock to make something that I love
2) Start reading more, to give me inspiration with art and life
3) Get my hair cut short, I really feel like I need to

A new me, coming soon.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Monday, 1 March 2010

So tomorrow I get to see Josh... YAY! I saw him today but only for about 30 minutes, but tomorrow should be wicked, I'm going to make him watch Miss Congeniality with me and hopefully build him up for watching New Moon with me, so fingers crossed. What are your favourite chick flicks??


btw, go for it, ask me anything.

I have a slight obsession with Motley Crue...especially Nikki Sixx! Reading Heroin diaries, I value and understand their music so much more. Also, Sixx Am are mint too. I've started singing again after realising I haven't in about a month, so no holding back :) When I was walking up to meet Josh from college, I was singing really loud and getting looked at really funny, which made me laugh to be honest :')

Guys, even if you "can't sing" don't hold back because singing is about enjoying it, not singing just because you "can"

I was thinking about uploading some videos once I've fixed my camera.

Keep reading guys, something interesting will happen to me soon... I hope