- the bag wasn't there
- only rubbish ones were left
+ got a skirt and long top
+ skirt was in sale (Half price!)
+ got some Muji pens and a notebook
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009

1) I love this girl's photos (Natanya Bryant)
2) I like her tattoo
THAT'S WHAT I'LL TALK ABOUT... Tattoos. I didn't know what to blog about. I think people are deciding waaaaaay too quick about tattoos. I hate how everybody suddenly all got stars because it was the fahion. But what's in fashion now, won't be in fashion when you're older. I want tattoos that mean something, not stupid initials or stars.
I think I want, either:
A rose
Cherry blossom
Sparrows or Doves
Monday, 28 December 2009
I want a camera like this. I was meant to get a SLR camera for Christmas but I wouldn't of been very good, seeing as my family's on a bit of a budget. I got a 12.2 megapixel digital camera instead, which I love anyway. For about 2 years I've loved vintage and retro stuff. I fell in love with this white leather, Marilyn Monroe shoulder bag with which I saw in one of my favourite shops called Backlash, in town. It was only £9.00 but I'd already spent my money, so when I next go to town, I PRAY IT'S STILL THERE!
I'm not going to spend much of my money, probably half and save half too?
Sunday, 27 December 2009

I took and edited that by the way :)
Me and Amy Longstaff were talking on MSN and she gave me the idea of never wanting to grow up. We agreed that when you're little, you have no cares in the world. You could be who you wanted and nobody would judge you on it. It was cute to be chubby and the only thing that mattered was to have flashing shoes. You weren't bothered about when the world's going to end, just how long until Mum or Dad's boring programmes ended so you could watch Rugrats.
I was a cool kid... I have flashing shoes and smartie boots- yeah! I had little boots covered in smarties and I was so upset when I got too big for them.
Growing up was great. I moved schools and houses a lot but that worked for me- I'm great at talking to people, meeting new friends and I'm confident. Although my Mum and Dad we're divorced when I was only 1 year old, it didn't bother me like it affected Matt (who was about 12 at the time.)
When you grow up suddenly everything matters.You need to look 'perfect', be 'clever' and earn money. School changes, instead of playing in the sand pit, you're learning about all the wars and the devastation in the world.
NOT ME. At least some part of me will never grow up, I'll mess around with my kids; play hide and seek, play fight, go for bike rides and climb trees. I just can't see myself being a grumpy, miserable parent.
Growing up is for losers. That's what I say. I'm with Peter Pan!
So, I'll be going into the new year with Josh, which I can't wait for. Everybody always says "A new year, a new start" but never change but I really intend to.
New Year Resolutions:
1) Stop biting my nails (I have little hands and biting nails stunts the growth of your fingers plus it's nasty anyway)
2)Join a gym (For obvious reasons really- GET.FIT)
3)Get a job (To boost the £450 I have up so I can go on holiday with Josh)
I can't wait for the new year. New year's eve is my favourite day of the year for me, I love how it symbolizes the past and the future at the same time. I look back on what's happened in the past year... the good. The bad. But I look forward to what's coming in the new year too:
I'm going to Paris on a school art trip. Which means dinner by the Eiffel tower and The Louvre, plus some great photos.
It's a year for me and Josh on Valentines day- cute right? :)
I'll be turning 16 in April which I can't wait for!
I'll be able to get my job then = ££££££££££££££
AND AND AND! Holiday with Josh and his family.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Josh doodled me this, so I pinned it up on my notice board :)
I spent the end of Christmas day with him and gave him his presents.
-WESC Oboe Golden headphones
-Us two made of clay
-Drumstick notice board
and he got me converse! :D
Also, his Nana gave him one of her old necklace, which is a silver butterfly, that her first husband (who died) bought her and she's gave it to me- how sweet? :)
Josh's mum got me Midnight Fantasy- Britney Spears perfume, sweets and some bath stuff :) I feel bad because I only got some tea lights for her and glass painted them, but she loved them any way :D
I got £175, a 12.2 megapixel camera, LOTS of clothes, chocolate and the usual xmas stuff, I'm really happy :)
Hope everyone's had a great Christmas too.
P.s My mamma made Nipper a winters coat:
Friday, 25 December 2009
Wednesday, 23 December 2009

So, I went to a gig tonight at the Mill in Mansfeild, the usual. I wish I could do play guitar and piano and not just sing. I love singing, don't get me wrong, but the people who played tonight just ooze talent. However, tonight proved that just because you have the best gear out there, doesn't make you any good. As Josh says, 'All Gear, No Idea'
Your False Calling
We Were Friends
Us Vs Them
Those guys are pure talent. If you happen to have myspace, check them out :)
We need to keep local talent support going. I don't think people doing things like this with their lives get enough recognition or respect. Teenager's have a bad press and at least this shows we're not all bad.
I've borrowed 'Nikki Sixx: The Heroin Diaries' off Josh and I love it. I've been straight edge (even though I prefer to say that I don't drink or smoke, people have labelled me this) for about 2 months now. I didn't see the point in getting drunk or whatever, because you ... well I can... have a good time without the aid of drugs.
If you need drugs to make you an interesting person, you are the definition of boring
This book has just made my opinion even stronger. It really messed him up and made him horrible. He was on everything. He didn't even go to his Grandma's funeral because it was 'valuable heroin time' and he was an ass hole. I think he's an inspiration to people who need help but can't seem to get it. I think he's amazing for coming off everything.
If getting drunk, for example, makes you feel comfortable, that's a problem you can work on within yourself... I don't see the point in drinking, getting absolutely wasted and not remembering it the next day. My mate said that, that's the good part. But in my opinion I'd rather remember it the first time around. The hangover's too - they're just awful. So, I just didn't see the point and still don't.
Everyone is either smoking, drinking or worse... most of my friends are. The truth is that I'm scared to death that they'll get in to worse stuff and I'll lose them or watch them fall apart.
I don't understand why alcohol and cigarettes are legal... they are the biggest killers!
Yeah sure, life's too short... but what's the point in making it any shorter?!
If you need drugs to make you an interesting person, you are the definition of boring
This book has just made my opinion even stronger. It really messed him up and made him horrible. He was on everything. He didn't even go to his Grandma's funeral because it was 'valuable heroin time' and he was an ass hole. I think he's an inspiration to people who need help but can't seem to get it. I think he's amazing for coming off everything.
If getting drunk, for example, makes you feel comfortable, that's a problem you can work on within yourself... I don't see the point in drinking, getting absolutely wasted and not remembering it the next day. My mate said that, that's the good part. But in my opinion I'd rather remember it the first time around. The hangover's too - they're just awful. So, I just didn't see the point and still don't.
Everyone is either smoking, drinking or worse... most of my friends are. The truth is that I'm scared to death that they'll get in to worse stuff and I'll lose them or watch them fall apart.
I don't understand why alcohol and cigarettes are legal... they are the biggest killers!
Yeah sure, life's too short... but what's the point in making it any shorter?!
Monday, 21 December 2009
footprints in the snow
Sunday, 20 December 2009
I am so proud of these! They taste so nice- being the cook I obviously had to try one and make sure they're not poisonous :) I've made them for Lauren, Luke, Tim and Katie for Christmas. Sounds cheap, but I'm saving. They're mint chocolate chip cupcakes and are yummmmmmmmmmy :D
This weekend's been pretty good. Kate went out with work, so me and my Dad ordered in pizza and watched 'Where the Wild Things Are', after I'd done the cupcakes. We just got comfy on the sofa with a blanket and enjoyed the film.
Today, I was memorized by the snow. Me and Kate (who was recovering from her hangover) sat and watched the final of Strictly Come Dancing and drinking tea. I'd love the be able to professionally dance. They look so glamorous and their figures are flawless. I'll dance with Josh one day ;)
Ok, so you hate me yeah? When I was the only one who stood by you... you're full of crap to be honest. That was the final straw for me, you're dead to me now. That sounds harsh, but you're just a waste of space now. You always have been, I was just to nice to you, to not notice or admit it. I hope your life fucks up... oh wait... it already has. You've thrown everything I ever did for you in my face, that was the last stand.
I'm not up my own arse, but you're jealous; I have friends that actually will stand by me. You had me, now you don't... so when things turn tits up for you, you'll have no-one. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world, and if wasn't for me and him, you'd have none of the people you do now. Enjoy your life you dick head.
I'm not up my own arse, but you're jealous; I have friends that actually will stand by me. You had me, now you don't... so when things turn tits up for you, you'll have no-one. I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world, and if wasn't for me and him, you'd have none of the people you do now. Enjoy your life you dick head.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
I promised I'd put up a picture of the pocket watch that Luke and Tim bought me for Christmas, so here it is. I didn't want to open it at first, it was wrapped so nicely. It was in a pink glittery box, with pink shredded tissue paper inside and the watch itself was in a little pull-together bag :)
Friday, 18 December 2009
So, one week until Christmas and hardly anyone in my year at school is excited. I think the magic of Christmas fades away as you get older, which I think is sad. I used to love waking up at a ridiculous time, thinking Santa had brought me lots of presents for being good. At the end of the day, I was really excited and everyone else just walked off the site as if we hadn't even broken up from school, not to mention it's nearly Christmas. I really can't wait! :)
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
ARGH! As if my day could get any worse!? My geography exam was a flop and then I found that I can't take graphics at Sixth Form because not enough people opted it. I just hope Mr. Sherlock turns that around, somehow, when I have my interview at 1.55pm.
On a positive note, Tim and Luke got me the most beautiful silver pocket watch, off Alice In Wonderland, for Christmas. I unwrapped it today and I've got it on now, It's on a chain too. It's so lovely, I'll put a picture up of it tonight. Thanks guys :)
Also, Finally get to see Josh today, YAY.
On a positive note, Tim and Luke got me the most beautiful silver pocket watch, off Alice In Wonderland, for Christmas. I unwrapped it today and I've got it on now, It's on a chain too. It's so lovely, I'll put a picture up of it tonight. Thanks guys :)
Also, Finally get to see Josh today, YAY.
Monday, 14 December 2009
So, I break up for Christmas on Friday and I can't wait. I can have nice, long lie-ins in my lovely bed, stay out late and have nothing to do but enjoy myself and relax. On the 23rd I've got a gig of Josh's to go to, which should be good. I need to make my Christmas cupcakes for Tim, Lauren and Luke this week too. I feel bad because Tim and Luke put money together for something special for me, but I'm saving up for Florida next year, so I can't get them anything. I'm being really tight on myself, I've got about £250 so far and I've only spent £20 on Josh this Christmas. But I've painted him a canvas and whatever. Anyway, I'm off now, need to have a shower and sort out my room. Bye.
Sunday, 13 December 2009

I saved this picture off facebook randomly, because it shows how oblivious me and Josh were to each other back when we first met in February. This is in Covent Garden, in London and without us knowing, we'd be together for a long time. About an hour after this was took, Josh had to hold the whole contents of my bag because I spilt water in it. Ever since then, we've stuck together. What a romantic way to get together, hey? Well, after the whole day and night of walking around London together, we both started to get feelings for each other and back on the bus, he asked me out. I turned him down. Yepp, but finally about 11 days later, when he asked again. Funny how every photo has a story behind. I absolutely love Josh to pieces and half of the time, I don't think he realises it. I do things for him that I would never do for anybody else and whenever I watch him play at his gigs, he steals my heart a little bit more. I love you Josh, I hope you'll read this.

I've always loved Audrey Hepburn ever since I watched 'My Fair Lady'. 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' has got to be my favourite. I love her unique, iconic look- her black dresses and big sunglasses. She's simply elegant.
In my room I've got a huge 3D poster of her, which is a collectors item, a canvas and I used to have an umbrella, but that broke. I have some postcards of her too. There's a Marilyn Monroe 3D poster too, I really like that. I aim on making my whole wall covered in randomness and slowly but surely I'm getting there.
"May all your problems be forgot"
The new year's going to be a new start for me, I know everyone says that, but I mean it. I can look at how people have treated me and how I've treated them, how I need to change and all sorts of stuff. The main thing I've learned is that people never end up how you think they will. People are so unpredictable and somebody you trusted might turn out to be someone else.
I don't miss you. I miss how you used to be.

I usually go to a family party, that's always themed (last year was movie characters, so I went as Sandy) but I think this year I'm staying with Josh. I'm not drinking this new year, I don't see the point. I can have fun without alcohol and as a bonus I won't feel like shit.
Sorry this was a bit long,
The new year's going to be a new start for me, I know everyone says that, but I mean it. I can look at how people have treated me and how I've treated them, how I need to change and all sorts of stuff. The main thing I've learned is that people never end up how you think they will. People are so unpredictable and somebody you trusted might turn out to be someone else.
I don't miss you. I miss how you used to be.
I usually go to a family party, that's always themed (last year was movie characters, so I went as Sandy) but I think this year I'm staying with Josh. I'm not drinking this new year, I don't see the point. I can have fun without alcohol and as a bonus I won't feel like shit.
Sorry this was a bit long,

Watching the Polar Express gets me right into the Christmas spirit and so do all of the other cheesy Christmas films on the telly at the moment. I'm like a kid at Christmas, honestly. When I went shopping with Josh yesterday, I dragged him into build-a-bear and it was like we were five years old again.

The picture above is of me and Matt years and years ago (obviously) one Christmas, when I was only 7 months old.

You'd never guess that those two pictures were taken on the same day, about five minutes apart. This was in Cornwall too, at the beach across the road from our regular camp site. I hope to live near the beach one day, in either Cornwall, Australia or America.
I think when you sit, on your own, in front of the sea, your troubles seem to wash away with the tide.
Holl, xx
Saturday, 12 December 2009

Some more pictures I found were the ones when we stopped at a hotel halfway from where we live and Cornwall. I think the place was called Bridgewater. Me and my older brother, Matt, went on a wonder and found a nice river and there was a older wartime bunker, so we climbed it and I was on the phone to Josh at the same time. BUT, I couldn't get down. Things like this is what makes me happy.

13 days left and I'm finally feeling Christmassy. I've been Christmas shopping with Josh today and on our way to get his headphones, we walked through the Exchange and their was a really nice choir at the end. The Exchange looks so lovely near Christmas, so if you live in Nottingham or near by, get down there and have a look. By the way, I've been with Josh for 10 months, ever since Valentine's day. Josh brought me some converse as my Christmas present and I really can't wait to unwrap them on Christmas day. I brought him some nice headphones from Foot Asylum which were better than the SkullCandy ones I was going to get him at first, but he preferred these.

I've recently been designing and customizing plimsolls for myself and other people. I love the idea of creating something popular, original and your own.

The plimsolls with NINA on them were designed for my friend to give as a present. I got paid £5 for this, which I was originally going to charge £8. The others are mine, which have a theme of Las Vegas. A design similar to this would be £15.

The plimsolls with NINA on them were designed for my friend to give as a present. I got paid £5 for this, which I was originally going to charge £8. The others are mine, which have a theme of Las Vegas. A design similar to this would be £15.
This picture is one I took with my old phone, which isn't even good quality. But I think the picture's really nice. These are my footprints on a beach in Cornwall. Cornwall must be my favourite place, seeing as I've been there pretty much every year ever since I was five. I found this picture whilst I've been sat looking through the folders of family photos and I've realised how fast time really goes. It doesn't seem long since my Pa died, since I first got with Josh (my boyfriend) and since I was in year 7. Gosh! Time flies by so fast. I can honestly say that on New Year's eve, I'm going to sit and think about the past year and the years before. Each year, you lose something and each year you gain something. I've lost friends but I've gained Josh and I wouldn't change him for the world. I'm not getting drunk this New year's eve, I don't see the point in it anymore.
Ok, so I did have about 25 posts but I've decided to delete them and start again. This blog is now going to be about how I feel, events that happen day-to-day and also some pictures of my customized plimsolls that I do. Also, after Christmas, I'll have my camera so I'll be able to take some photos.
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